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Showing posts with label Tested Trampoline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tested Trampoline. Show all posts

Thursday, 12 February 2015

How to Use Trampoline Safely Part 2

Hello to Everyone!!!!

In my previous post I discussed few points about how can we use trampolines safely . In that post I suggested some simple and easy suggestions for parents. In this post I will share more suggestions for parents. Also few rules for children which if they follow then they will not get any injury during playing on trampoline. But it is the most important duty and responsibility of the parents that they must present near to the trampoline whenever their children are playing and always instruct them how to play on trampoline. Followings are the few easy and simple safety suggestions for both parents and children

Rest Suggestions for Parents

Keep Trampoline Store Safely

It is very essential that a trampoline when it is not in use should be stored carefully, especially in the mean while of winter season when the air can harm the trampoline. Follow these points:-

  • Wash all the parts of trampoline.
  • Purchase more than one extra-large and strong plastic boxes
  • Search a safe and dry place for the plastic boxes for storage.
  • Disassemble your trampoline properly and carefully.
  • After dismenting the trampoline all the things of trampoline spread out in the yard separately.
  • Cover and role into the smallest packages every items in Step 5, if possible.
  • And the last and important thing clearly write down on boxes  "Trampoline: 1 of 2" and "Trampoline: 2 of 2."

How to Use the Trampoline

  • Never permit more than one person on the trampoline at the same time.
  • Children whose age is under 6 must only use those trampolines which are specially designed for their age range and sizes, because trampolines are not appropriate for very young children and toddlers.
  • Always give instructions and supervise the children while they are jumping.
  • Don’t do somersaults on trampoline- if want to do then go to an appropriately organized club.
  • Never permit the children to use of jumping to exit the trampoline.

Rules and Suggestions for Children

  • At All times only one person at a time use trampoline. Play turn wise.
  • Don’t try somersaults or any other risky stunts or flips.
  • Every time jump in the middle of the trampoline.
  • Never try jump off! Always climb down when bouncing stop unless you can injure yourself by jumping off the trampoline onto the ground.
  • Always stand back and keep away yourself from the trampoline when somebody else is jumping.
  • Whenever someone is jumping on trampoline then never try to go under the trampoline.
  • If you notice a cut or crack in the jumping mat, or if the jumping mat, edge cover has come out from the springs then don’t use the trampoline but inform to the adult or supervisor or trainer or parents.
So these are the few simple and easy suggestions for parents as well as for children. If they will follow all these suggestions then no one will not injured from trampoline.

In my next post I will share with you about how we can store trampoline safely. Till then

Happy Jumping and Safe Jumping!!!!

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Benefits of Using Professional Trampoline as Exercising Equipment

Today Trampolines have been more famous. Everyone wants a normal height trampoline should be present in their home. With that their children remains happy and become strong. Also keep trampoline in home become a status symbol for everyone. Professional trampolines are basically for a gymnast, athletes or any sports person but anyone uses it with little bit care and also under guidance of a instructor.

There are many types of trampolines available in market with different sizes and using different materials. Choose best and cheap trampoline. There are many benefits of using trampoline as exercising equipment.
  1. For Fat Loss - With the help of bouncing on trampoline we can burn our excess fat and become slim. When we bounce then sweat come out which burn our calories. Fat people can’t do work easily. They always tired during any work. They have more problems than normal people.
  2. For Athletic – Trampoline are very useful for athletics. Their muscles and stamina increases which help them in their games.
  3. Become Stronger – We become stronger with jumping on trampoline. Because its increase our stamina and also we become stronger.
  4. Bones Get Stronger – While jumping on trampoline our all pressure on our bones so with this our bones get stronger day by day.
  5. Sense of Balance and Coordination – Our sense of balance and coordination will be improved with jumping on trampoline.
  6. Heart will be Grateful – With this our heart pump fast which will pressurise the blood and all closed veins open and blood smoothly flow in all body which give strength the heart.
  7. Activity in Muscles – With jumping on trampoline our muscles activity increases

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Benefits of Professional and Tested Trampoline

Hye to All!

This is my first post on trampoline but you all are surprised about that I am starting my post with benefits of trampoline rather than on basic information on trampoline. In my view its necessary to know about the benefits of anything before doing anything. So that is why I am going to post on this topic. As you all are very familiar with Professional Trampoline and you all know about what is trampoline. Before going to benefits of trampoline means my discussion on main topic its very important to know the types of trampolines.

Types and Accessories of Trampolines :
    Trampoline with Safety Net
  1. Garden Trampoline
  2. Children Trampoline
  3. XXL Trampoline
  4. Tested Trampoline
  5. Professional Trampoline
  6. Tüv/GS Trampoline
  7. Trampoline Ladder
  8. Safety Net
    XXL Trampoline
  9. Rain Cover
  10. Edge Cover
  11. Jumping Mat
  12. Springs
  13. Safety Net Poles
Benefits of Professional and Tested Trampoline
  1. Cardiovascular Fitness : A best and important benefit of jumping on trampoline is Cardiovascular fitness. While jumping, our blood circulation fast and blood travel in every veins and the pressure of blood is very high with this the blockage in veins open and also calories burns. With this our pulse rate is increase and strengthen the muscle group which is very essential for cardiovascular system of our body.

  2. Mental Health: Trampoline is helps in strong you mentally. With jumping on trampoline our stress and tension gone away. We feel relax and feel light.

  3. Improved Strength and Bone Density: With jumping on trampoline our body strength improved and bone density increase. Because we jump repeatedly and give pressure to our bones. Due to regular jumping reduces the risk of factures and osteoporosis.

  4. Agility, Balance and Coordination:Jump on trampoline requires balance and coordination. Because you need to balance yourself to bounce on same place continuously. You will balance yourself on trampoline. Coordination is also a important thing while bouncing on trampoline. Its need coordination of legs, arms and also mind. So with trampoline we can balance our body and as well as mind.

  5. Access to Everyone: Anyone or any age person can access trampoline either its a child or a teen or a adult. It is very helpful to everyone.

If you want more information on trampoline and accessories then you can visit my website and give your valuable reviews.